The Old Fashioned Way

In the US, we pride ourselves on the American dream of working hard and earning based on our merit. Our economy today, however, shows that many people who work hard are earning less and are not as well off as their parents. Truth be told, the real old fashioned way of earning money still works […]

The Mother of All Contests

#IVFContests #IVFAwareness #BuildJewish Families Another group held a video conference for a free IVF. This was a new twist however, because the host of the contest was a radio station in Utah. The ends of the contest – the chance for someone without the financial means to be able to receive treatment that may lead […]

Infertility Treatment Access is #NotEqual

Does your income potentially affect the chances that you will access treatment for infertility. In an already much cited article, the answer was a resounding yes. Education plays a role too. People with a college degree are more than twice as likely (11.6 vs 5) to access fertility treatment with those who do not have […]

Help me fund a chance to have a baby!

Hasidah’s name which means “stork” comes from the Hebrew word hesed, which means loving-kindness. Loving-kindness is showing support when people need it in the way they need it. Loving-kindness is maintaining their dignity while they are in need and in the process of helping them. Loving-kindness is helping them without making them beg for it.  […]

#Reprotravel and the World of Infertility

Pack your bags! Is it the beach, the mountains, the slopes, the amusement park, or the ranch? Maybe the spa? How about the clinic… More and more people are traveling to seek medical treatment and infertility is no exception at all. Someone recently asked us about infertility in the US and around the world and […]

Biggest Concerns About Fertility Treatments

Many options fill the list of concerns for people facing infertility: emotional stability, how to choose treatment, which doctor to choose, social pressure, spiritual crisis, stigma, fear treatment will not work, physical effects of treatment, marital issues, balancing work with treatment, and of course how to pay for the treatment. All of these are very […]