What genetic testing can tell you (or not) about your embryo.

In this very clearly written article, Dr. David Adamson from ARC fertility explains the different genetic tests performed on embryos during in vitro fertilization (IVF).  Many people think that this testing is a guarantee or insurance. It is neither. However, it can be instrumental in improving chances of IVF success and protecting children from deadly […]

Infertility and the Unknown

When couples struggle with fertility challenges, things can feel more unhinged. We are told by our faith to “go forth and multiply” or that sex on the Sabbath is a mitzvah. The frustration and self-doubt that creeps in when couples try to honor these teachings, and are unable to create new life can be deep. Inherently, there is a sense of shame that many couples experience when they are unable to fulfill their dreams of parenthood, and often times, this struggle is kept silent.