Like Stealing Candy…

Doctors and health care providers are not to blame for an “infertility industrial complex” and patients are not baby crazed. Wanting to provide people with medical care that will help them have a baby is a noble profession and wanting to be a parent is really deep desire. There are exceptions, but or every doctor who may take advantage of a patient who didn’t do their research, there are scores of doctors feeling tied up trying not to raise false hopes. And for every patient that is beyond their boundaries trying anything and everything, there are many more trying to be reasonable during an incredibly stressful and painful time.  The truth is that we are all vulnerable.
A recent article from the UK discussed the delicate balance attempted in the wellness industry that doesn’t always respect that vulnerability.  It can be quite easy to take advantage of people who want to improve their chances for having a baby and are willing to try  something that seems to be a viable option. In reality so much of the “wellness care” is stress reduction, which is legit, but not baby producing. A lot of add on’s in clinics just control for various factors, but may not increase chances of having a baby. Some treatments or “wellness care” may help certain conditions, but it isn’t necessarily a condition that you have.
So hold tight to your candy while focusing on having your own baby. Respect your own boundaries and vulnerabilities. Ask questions. Use your heart and your head.  Take care of yourself by keeping your body, soul, heart and mind in balance as best you can.

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