Facing Fertility Challenges in the Jewish Community
By Terry Friedkin This column originally appeared in The Jewish News of Northern California , November 12, 2019 Several months ago, I was asked to speak at an event for Hasidah, a Berkeley-based nonprofit that “raises awareness of infertility, connects people to support resources and reduces financial barriers to [fertility] treatment in the Jewish […]
Featured In Fast Company
The issue of who is funding IVF is a growing financial questions. A growing number of hopeful grandparents are getting involved. Fast Company looked further into fertility expenses and the role of grandparents with some input from Hasidah.
The Old Fashioned Way
In the US, we pride ourselves on the American dream of working hard and earning based on our merit. Our economy today, however, shows that many people who work hard are earning less and are not as well off as their parents. Truth be told, the real old fashioned way of earning money still works […]
Wannabe Grandparents Beware
A recent article in the Atlantic gave a wonderful introduction about advice for grandparents who want to ask their children about their family planning activities. The summary was don’t ask. It’s worth stopping here to read this if you are a hopeful future grandparent or are currently facing fertility challenges and thinking about your parents. […]