The Four Children

The Four Children are coming. It used to bother me that it was four sons. What about the daughters? Now it bothers me that I have no children. I’d instruct my children if I had them. Wicked, wise, simple, unable to ask or otherwise. I’d tell them about the Exodus. I’d tell them how I […]
Anachrobama Purim

There was once a king in a not so far away land whose name was Lomusag. He generally ruled on his whims and was surrounded by other men who pleased, teased and entertained him. One day while at leisure, the king was admiring how his kingdom was growing in size and population. His advisors chided […]
Light, Darkness, Light

You are receiving this message right in the middle of the Jewish month of Kislev – the darkest month of the year. It is hard to even write that without thinking about the darkness that can seem stifling during infertility. It can feel like one long winter. And technically speaking, winter hasn’t started yet. Long […]
Jewish Questions about Using Donors

Not many heterosexual people give too much thought to what using a donor to have children would be like. The use of a donor comes into the picture after experiencing infertility or receiving another diagnosis. For any one facing this decision, a lot of important questions to ask. For Jewish people, however, there is an […]
A Different Perspective

Like so many others, we are grappling with the painful situation in Israel. Hasidah was founded to help people who want to bring more life into this world. The violence that was enacted by Hamas against innocent Israelis seemed unfathomable, particularly to children and babies. Jewish history sadly has other similar examples – crusades, pogroms, […]
Sukkot, Abundance and Senseless Pursuits

The Harvest Festival of Sukkot is in the beginning of October this year. Not as widely observed as Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur, Sukkot has a lot of symbolism that can resonate with the experience of infertility. The unstable outdoor booths (Sukkot) that people live in represent the fragility of the material world. The biblical […]
The Pregnancy Test

Fertility and infertility are generally not discussed. Most individuals know few details about how the reproductive system works. The whole topic can sometimes feel taboo. One issue that is not taboo but is not talked about is the pregnancy test. Trying to get pregnant is one topic, dealing with the results is another, but what […]
That Time Again #HHD2023

There are many themes within the Jewish High Holidays. The beginning of the year, God’s rule, and teshuva/repentance. What often gets over looked is the pervading theme of fertility and infertility. Whether you are a seasoned attendee of High Holiday services or celebrate with a holiday dinner with friends or family, the significance of the […]
The Infertile Label

Not many people are comfortable with the thought: I am infertile. That can feel harsh and limiting. You are much more than any one part of your life. And to be defined by something you cannot do? Ouch! While infertility is significant, your ability to have a child is not your entire identity. You are […]
Group Power

Over six combined years, I experienced infertility. Mostly I muddle through by myself. So much of it was not good. Some would label the experience a success because I had children and I understand that way of thinking. But there were other failures along the way that cast a long shadow. A couple of years […]