Hasidah Goes to Vegas!

Rabbi Idit Solomon facilitated a training in Las Vegas for Rabbis and other Jewish professionals who work with young adults including Jewish Family Services Agency. Participants learned about issues people face when struggling with infertility. They explored the emotional and spiritual trials that come up and how to address them as well as ways to […]

The Human Right to Have a Child

Published by Truah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights Commentary on Rosh Hashanah Torah and Haftarah readings September 4, 2018 By Rabbi Idit Solomon Reproductive rights have been hijacked. When someone mentions the phrase “reproductive rights,” the first things that usually come to mind are either birth control or abortion. However, the ability to prevent […]

Building Infertility Support with @AmericanJewishU @HUCJIR and AJR.

Rabbi Idit Solomon presented at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion, American Jewish University and the Academy for Jewish Religion in Los Angeles this week. Part of Hasidah’s mission is to build a robust network within the Jewish community to provide support for people throughout their fertility journey. Clergy and communal professional leaders […]