Some things are just human and it doesn’t seem to matter much where you live. Facing challenges to building a family might be one of them. A recent survey in England got the following stats from people struggling to become parents.
90% say infertility feels like a trauma.
94% don’t think their friends, family or colleagues really understand what they are going through
55% feel hopeless and like a failure
68% believe other people think less of them because they do not have a child.
54% feel annoyed by other people’s comments
37% feeling angered by what others say
Healthcare in England is different than in the US, but again, some things seem similar. The stats there revealed that 34% of those who paid privately for IVF put themselves in financial risk in doing so.
One third of people paying for IVF are putting themselves at financial risk.
So for those who didn’t put themselves “at financial risk,” what did they have to give up?
What Would You Give Up To Have A Baby?
Some things are just human and it doesn’t seem to matter much where you live. Facing challenges to building a family might be one of them. A recent survey in England got the following stats from people struggling to become parents.