Who Is The Parent?

A recent article in the NY Post shows the growing legal complications of assisted reproductive technologies when it involves third party parenting.  The focus is on same sex couples and specifically when the relationships break up. Ironically the gender bias for custody is complicated if not ironically gone. The child traditionally going to the mother? […]

Fashion Blunder – D&G and the Synthetic Babies

Recently Dolce & Gabbana made some comments that were less than kind to the ears of anyone who has struggled to have a child. Make that anyone who thought about parenting, appreciates parenting, is a parent, has a parent. Add in anyone who cares about having babies or appreciates children. Make that just anyone. Dolce […]

Cost of Assisted Reproductive Technologies in the News

The costs of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF) can be a serious roadblock for many who might benefit from their use. Helping defray those costs is our goal. Below are a couple recent articles in the news about the costs of IVF: http://www.healthline.com/health-news/women-the-high-cost-of-in-vitro-fertilization-101613 http://www.resolve.org/family-building-options/insurance_coverage/the-costs-of-infertility-treatment.html